A place to learn about the vocation of Catholic homemaking.

Welcome to

Married &

a House.

 There is much work to be done for the Lord in our homes.

All that we do in our homes— Cooking, cleaning, organizing, scheduling, playing, resting and all other movements of the day — can be acts of worship to God. Here at Married & a House, I hope to provide you with practical tips and soul-filling inspiration for the mission of serving the Lord in your home.

“Whatever your task, work heartily as serving the Lord.” Colossians 3: 23

Hi, I’m Allison.

I am a Catholic DIY Homemaker.

The Lord has called me to the vocation of homemaking. Far from a degrading or lesser vocation, I have found that homemaking is highly dignified and valuable work to be done for the Lord right in my home. Whether it is refinishing the dining room table, adding a wreath to the front door, spending hours playing and reading with my daughters, or planning how to keep my family fed throughout the week; all tasks, I have found can be acts of worship.

This takes training. Training the heart, mind, soul, and yes, even the body, to order ourselves in such a way. That is the journey I am on right now. I am intentionally making my home into a daily encounter with Christ, meeting him in the practical, the smelly, the mundane, and the ordinary.  This is my vocation and my lifelong path to holiness.

Come along and learn with me.

The Blog

On the blog, I share what I am learning in my vocation of homemaking. My favorite topics are routine homemaking tasks, DIY projects, and reflections on the Catholic spiritual life. Here, you will find tips for cultivating a simple, minimalistic, and spiritually deep life in your home.

The Market

The Market is a collection of small shops for Catholic Homemakers. Here you will find a gallery of products and gifts for creating a healthy, prayerful, and beautiful life in the home.


The Holy Homemaking Community

You are invited to be a part of The Holy Homemaking Community! In this community, we will grow together as we support each other in the mission of serving the Lord in our homes.

A homemaker is a cultivator

of love and of life,

of warmth and of safety,

of beauty and of peace.

It is a calling of great purpose, for it is a vocation in which the formation of every human heart depends.