Making a Garden for Mary

When Mother’s Day came around this year, I decided I wanted to celebrate by making the Garden for Mary that I have been dreaming of. My three year old has also been excited about this project since Christmas when she got the book A Garden for Mary. (Code: House15).

I sketched an idea, asked my husband to dig up our front yard, and planned a variety of flowers to plant. Truthfully, any flowers will do but did you know there are over a thousand flowers that are symbolically associated with Mary? Also, did you know there are many herbs associated with Mary too? You could make a flower and/or herb garden for Mary! I will share a list of some Marian flowers and herbs in this post. 

Whether you have a Mary garden already or it’s something you’d like to create, I’ve written this post to help you consider what your garden would contain.  This post will help you make an intentional and beautiful garden dedicated to Mary. 

8 Tips for Making a Mary Garden: 

  1. It can be simple. 

    If you don’t have a space in your yard, you can put a little statue in a flower pot! The bamboo trellises I used in my garden are actually meant for flower pots.  How cute would it be to put a trellis in a pot with a flowering vine growing up and over a little statue in the center?!

  2. Pick a spot you see often. 

    My Mary garden is on the path to our house.  We see it from our front door, our dining room table and from two of our bedrooms! Our neighbors see her too! One neighbor was happy to discover the view of Mary from her living room sofa. Since creating the garden, I have found myself looking at Mary throughout the day and it has led me to think of her more often.

  3. Take note of whether the spot is sunny or shady.

    Shady spots will work but if you want flowers, it’s best to find a sunny place! Flowers thrive in the sun…Mary does too (if you know what I mean). 😉 

  4. Make it a distinguished space.

    If you are creating a garden bed, use a garden hose to figure out the shape of the garden bed and start digging. This is a labor of love.  One that my husband did for me and I am ever so thankful because he found a snake right in the place I planned to put Mary.  A very real Genesis 3:15 moment. Finally, enclose it with a small picket fence or border the garden with stones or bricks.

  5. Add some decor elements.

    If you have enough space, make a path to the statue with stones, wood, or bricks. You could even make your own stepping stones (a fun activity for kids). I chose to make a path from a pallet wood.  I used 10 boards for 10 Hail Mary’s. Consider adding a vase in front of the statue for flowers! If your garden space is shady, a vase is a great way to honor Mary with fresh flowers! Another decor idea for the garden, put a little locked box with the slit in the lid for family prayer intentions. If your garden has the space for it, consider making a spot to kneel or sit for prayer. You can also make the garden special by adding memorial stones, prayer cards, or photos of deceased family members.

  6. Pick your favorite Mary Statue.

    As for the Mary statue, our Mary is Our Lady of Lourdes.  Other common ones are Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Guadalupe.  You can find some great outdoor statues through The Catholic Company (get 15% off with my code: House15). Now that our garden is complete, we plan to do an outdoor family crowning of Mary.  I am already coming up with plans to do a candle lighting around Mary another day of the year. And family processions with Mary are a favorite in my home! 

  7. Something I am most excited about for our Mary Garden: having a special place for our broken rosaries and a place of honor to bury other sacramentals.

    Holy blessed things are not to be thrown away. It is important to dispose of such things properly so as not to desecrate them. The best thing to do is bury the items though burning and burying is also a good option.

  8. Finally, get planting!!

    There are hundreds of Marian flowers (& herbs!) to choose from. Here is a list of some common ones.  If you want more information on these, I suggest buying A Garden Catechism or A Catholic Gardeners Spiritual Almanac by Margaret Rose Realy. (Use code: House15)

Marian Flowers:

Marigolds, Sunflower, Bleeding Heart, Violets, Tulip, Carnation, English Daisy, Peony, Roses, Columbine, Iris, Lily of the Valley, Larkspur, Miniature Pansy, Morning Glory, Canterbury Bells, Petunia, Zinnia, Gardenia, Hawthorn, Liliac, Myrtle, Poppy, Narcissus, Lenten Rose, Hosta, Gladiolus, Angel Wing Begonia, Bluebells, Carnation 

Marian Herbs:

Rosemary, Thyme, Chamomile, Jasmine, Sage, Sweet Marjoram, Fennel, Chives, Parsley, Spearmint, Anise, Lavender 

When I finished my Mary Garden, my three year old ran up the pallet path to Mary and gave her a hug.  She ran back to me and said, “Mommy, I am going to hug Mary everyday.”

We go on daily “garden walks”, water the flowers, hug and talk to Mary.  It has become the sweetest spot on our property.

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