Catholic Prayer & Art

As Catholics, we believe in the sacramentality of life; visible representations of invisible realities. The visuals of sacred art assist in deepening our spiritual life by calling us reflection and contemplation. These “prayer aids” can inspire daily devotion and intimacy with the Lord. I have sacred art all over my home as constant reminders to pray. Here you will find rosaries, prayer cards, sacred art, crucifixes and other prayer aids to help you grow in the Catholic spiritual life

  • Abundantly Yours Handmade Rosaries for the Married & a House Market of Catholic Small Shops

    Abundantly Yours

    Abundantly Yours offers beautiful handmade rosaries along with notepads, journals, stickers, cards, and t-shirts. I especially love her Bride and Groom rosary set, what a great gift idea!

    Get 10% off with code: MARRIEDANDAHOUSE

  • Abundance of Grace Prints Prayer Cards for the Married & a House Market of Catholic Small Shops

    Abundance of Grace Prints

    Abundance of Grace Prints makes the highest quality prayer cards I have ever found. Hold one in your hand and you will know what I mean. Because of these prayer cards, I do not need to use my phone to look up prayers. Abundance of Grace has prayer cards for every occasion. I personally love the Marian cards, the affirmation cards, and the litany cards.

  • Qui Minimo for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops

    Qui Minimo Scapulars

    My go to choice for scapulars. Qui Minimo means “The Littlest One”. These scapulars are all prayerfully handmade and hand sewn. Anna learned how to make these while she was in formation at a Carmelite convent. If you’d like to learn more about the brown scapular, watch this video of a dear friend of mine.

    Get 10% off with code: M&H10

  • Blessed is She for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops for Catholic Homemakers

    Blessed is She Shop

    Blessed is She has the loveliest Catholic Journaling Bible! They are also the place to find devotionals for daily prayer and different seasons of the liturgical calendar. Their rosaries are beautiful. And I must mention, they have created a beautiful real world community that you can be a part of too! See if they are hosting an event hear you!

  • House of Joppa for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops for Catholic Homemakers

    House of Joppa

    I think this House of Joppa wooden crucifix is the most beautiful crucifix I’ve ever seen. I love the Benedict medal on it as well. It is also available with a base. This shop also has a petite crucifix, which reminds me of the one I have on my kitchen window (if you recall the photo). I suggest scrolling all the crosses and crucifixes. There are too many good ones to share them all! There are other amazing sacred art pieces in this shop too like, the petite framed round vintage prints, statues, beautiful sacred and immaculate heart medallions, and sacred art on plaques. House of Joppa also sells beautiful rosaries too!

  • January Jane Shop for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops for Catholic Homemakers

    January Jane Shop

    I keep finding more and more uses for these beautiful Saint Polaroids. They are a great home decor item but also great for special liturgical living celebrations. These polaroids make the Saints feel more human, like they are a part of the family…which is great, because they are!

    Get 10% off with code: M&H10

  • Gather & Pray for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops for Catholic Homemakers

    Gather & Pray

    I shared more of what Gather & Pray has to offer kids in the “For Kids” section of the Market, but wanted to share this beautiful way for the family to pray the rosary together. They have two sizes, a full rosary board and a decade option for kids. Gather & Pray also sells rosary pop-its!

    Get 10% off with code: allison10

  • Little Rose Shop for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops

    Little Rose Shop

    I love that the Little Rose Shop sells little journals for Lectio Divina, Daily Examen, and the a Rosary Journal. This shop also sells a beautiful collection of greeting cards for the occasions you want to let your friends know you are praying for them.

  • Catholic Vintage Holy Cards for the Married & a House Market of Small Shops for Catholic Homemakers

    Catholic Vintage Art & Holy Cards

    This is the place to get restored prints of vintage Catholic Art for your home! Here, you will also find a fun little subscription for vintage holy cards. The subscription mails holy cards to your door monthly for only $3.00. These cards are a beautiful collection of Sacred Art and prayers. I love this idea!


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