Adoration with Kids

As a young mom, I longed to go to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to have some time in prayer but I couldn't go. I would need to bring my kids and they would be a distraction to the others who had scheduled time for quiet, private prayer in the chapel. After speaking with our parish office, I was able to get an hour of time reserved for moms and kids each week. We go for 30 minutes and we are able to "just be" as we are. It isn't always peaceful, kids naturally make messes, are continuously moving, have spontaneous thoughts that need to be shared immediately, and experience big feelings without warning. But, I know the Lord delights in them as He says "Let the little children come to me."

During our weekly prayer time with Jesus, I show my kids different prayer positions, I teach them about reverence and how to "speak to Jesus from their hearts" and I also lead them in a few worship songs. This is where I got the inspiration to make a booklet of Simple Praise songs. The songs in the booklet have easy and repetitive choruses that are simple enough for children to sing. They were intentionally chosen for Adoration; songs whose lyrics are directed to Jesus, speaking to Him rather than speaking about Him. They provide a simple way for to pray together, even my one year old attempts to sing along.

Use the Simple Praise Booklet however you are able, whether in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or right from your living room.

Use the Simple Praise Booklet however you are able, whether in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or right from your living room.

I pray it blesses you and your children!


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