What is Holy Homemaking?

I sat down to write this post, said a quick prayer that the Lord would direct my words, and not a second later the baby was crying. My first thought was, “Nooooo, I finally have the time and now she needs my attention.”  My second thought was, “Oh, I get it…”  

The Vocation of Holy Homemaking

Holiness is a universal call - a vocation for all people. All are called to a lifelong process of purification, for all our lives long we will find we have not yet arrived, we are not yet holy. But we are on the way. And on the way, we are given countless opportunities to say, “not my will but Yours be done” and, in doing so, we continue to enter more deeply into our vocation: The vocation of holiness.

It is in our daily duty that we are sanctified. Not by our efforts, but by surrendering to His will daily, we become receptive to the grace which sanctifies us.   

And in this day in day out duty, we find a more personalized vocation. An individual call from God to meet Him in a special way, where He invites us to a specific path of service in which we will be made holy.  

The homemaker’s vocation is a call to serve God in the mission of her home. 

Homemaking is one such path. 

The homemaker’s vocation is a call to serve God in the mission of her home. 

Daily, the Lord meets the homemaker in her tasks.

Daily, He provides opportunities for her sanctification.

Daily, her ‘Yes’ can shape the environment of the home and the hearts in it.

It is not glamorous. It’s messy. It’s overwhelming. It’s uncomfortable. Opportunities for sanctification always are! But the homemaker acquires virtue from these habitual encounters with messes. Much that the homemaker does is hidden, but it is always seen by the One who gives her the grace to accomplish that to which he calls her.

The homemaker worships the Lord by the daily work of her hands.  

She is not a slave to her home, but a servant of the Lord in her home.

Her home need not be seen as a prison that shackles, but a domestic church where eternal love awaits her.

God waits in the ordinary, the mundane, the practical, the unexpected, and the hidden…as He always has for all of history. With a heart made to serve her Lord, the homemaker's service in the home has the potential to be a great experience of intimacy with God. The movement of her day and the simple work of her hands can be experienced as worship. God is glorified by the love she puts into taking care of the necessities of daily life. 

This is the Vocation of Holy Homemaking.

It is not a call to have a perfect home.

It is a call from God to allow Him to perfect our souls as we surrender daily to the tasks to which He calls us. 

The mountain of dishes. 

The baskets of laundry. 

The needs of the children. 

The planning and making of meals.

The endless errands.

And so much more…

Whatever the task,

Wherever He calls, 

However He asks her to serve, 

He supplies the grace for it to be accomplished. 


The 10 Benefits of Spiritual Reading


How My Homemaking Journey Began