The Christmas We Had No Presents Under the Tree

The family tradition that began with no christmas presents under the tree.

In 2019, there were no presents under our Christmas tree.

We had been married for 9 months and had just finished the renovations on our fixer upper and we chose not to give each other gifts. We were not left wanting. After all, we had been given far more than could be wrapped under the Christmas tree.

In an attempt to capture all that we had been given in both tangible and spiritual ways, I put one thing under the tree.

It was a mason jar.

A mason jar filled with slips of paper listing the gifts God had given us that year. Handwritten reminders of the physical and spiritual blessings we had been given, big and small.

  • each other

  • the house

  • lessons in communication :)

  • trust in the Lord

  • our HVAC system…

When we woke up on Christmas morning, we started the day with prayer together and then opened this mason jar of “Gifts from God”. We took turns reading them aloud one by one and calling to mind the greatness of that gift.

When all was said and done- this little jar which was filled with nothing but words on paper, left me feeling overwhelmed with gratitude; like there was nothing more we could need or want. It took away any feeling of the absence of gifts to open. It created a beautiful memory for me and my husband. And truthfully, it was the first time I really thought about Christ in a meaningful way on Christmas. I felt close to Him and was filled with thankfulness for the abundant gifts He continues to give.

An alternative way to celebrate Christmas without gifts creating a beautiful family tradition.

A New Tradition

We decided this would be a family tradition for us moving forward. We chose not to get each other gifts again in 2020. But decided in 2021, since we had an almost two year old, to open few wrapped presents on Christmas morning. There was still have a jar of “Gifts from God” under the tree on Christmas morning but we decided to open the jar of gifts at a different time.

As for when, we are still figuring that out. Each year we try something different to see which way we like best. We have opened the jar on Christmas Eve and on Christmas night, but it could even be done on New Years Eve, or as a celebration on the 12th Day of Christmas, or for the Feast of the Epiphany.

To Prepare the Jar…

My husband and I take some time individually to write gifts on paper and put them in a jar. We don’t tell each other what we are writing. It is a fun surprise to see what the other thought of and having repeats is also fun! We often say things like, "AH! I wrote this too!” or “That’s a good one I hadn’t thought of!” As we have grown in our marriage we are finding we write down many similar things, which has been a fun way to see how we are growing in unity together.

There is no limit to how many or what specifically to write. Our list usually includes places, people, food, things, spiritual gifts, memories, achievements, accomplishments, and even struggles (from which we have seen the ways God has helped us grow in some way).

We have one jar for us and one jar for the kids.

Currently, we write the ones for us and the kids. When the kids are older, we may have them participate in writing too (TBD). For the kids papers, I draw little pictures on them as well as write the words (since they can’t read yet).

This is my favorite family tradition.

I can’t emphasize enough how beautiful of an experience it is for our family to realize how much we have been given.  There are many ways I realize how I have overlooked the abundance of God’s provisions throughout the year. And I am always overwhelmed with gratitude and a strengthened confidence for the future ways God will take care of our needs.  

Do you think you will try this?

I hope you try this with your family and that it blesses you! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment box! I’d love to hear from you!

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